Jayson Werth Arrested
Jason Werth is a right outfielder for the Washington Nationals. In his 2014 season he had 16 home runs and 37 doubles. Jayson is a great athlete and role model for young kids to look up to if they aspire to be a professional baseball player. But would you want your son looking up to a great baseball player who had to spent 10 days in jail? Jayson Werth was arrested on July 6th, 2014 for reckless driving. He was pulled over on the Capital Beltway in Fairfax County, VA. He was driving 105 mph in a 55 mph zone. Jayson was sentenced to 10 days of jail and 170 days suspended. He also lost his licences for 6 months. Every body makes mistakes but was Jayson willingly speeding. When arrested the state trooper said Jayson responded to his question of "What were you doing driving 105 mph" with "Pressing my luck." Jayson made a mistake of driving way to fast but he knew he was driving too fast. This story was not very big and not many people heard about it luckily for Jayson's sake. But if this story was more public it might affect his fan base.
On the positive side, at least Jason Werth recognized and admitted his mistake. He served his time in jail like a normal human being instead of using the celebrity excuse of getting out of jail for free card. However, his "pressing his luck" comment was not the answer of a role model.